Polis Malaysia: Ganas tapi penakut

Monday 7 May 2012

Ini satu lagi bukti daripada wartawan Merdeka Review yang menyaksikan sendiri polis ganas pukul orang pada pukul 7 lebih di mana masa tu ramai yang dah balik rumah sebab letih. Tetapi pihak polis gans masih tak puas hati, mereka meronda sekeliling kota masuk keluar restoran untuk tengok manusia yang pakai baju kuning. Jumpa saja depa tarik keluar dan rembat sampai pengsan.

Itu proses yang ganas daripada pegawai polis yang sepatutnya menyelamatkan orang ramai. Oranmg yang sedang makan tak akan buat huru hara dalam bandar. Itu yang aku faham dan dalam kes ni orang yang tengah makan tu tak buat perkara haram.

Tapi polis tulah yang buat benda haram atau lebih tepat lagi kita panggil aksi haram zadah! Pihak Majlis Fatwa kebangsaan sila ambil perhatian tentang sikap polis yang belasah orang masa tengah makan. Hangpa baca laporan real punya daripada wartawan di bawah. Walaupun Polsi tu ganas dengan berani pukul orang tapi nampaknya takut kecut perut dengan kamera, siap warning wartawan jangan ambil gambar. Kita panggil apa tu? kita panggil tak ada teloq! (crita terperinci dari semua wartawan yang teraniaya kat sini )

Merdeka Review reporter Chen Shaua Fui told Reporters Without Borders told Reporters Without Borders she was attacked by police when she tried to take photos of two demonstrators being beaten by police officers.
“Two men in yellow T-shirts were dining in a small restaurant on Jalan tun Perak Street,” she said. “It was 7 p.m. and most of the demonstrators had already dispersed. I was on the other side of the street when I saw two policemen go up to them and begin hitting them. I pulled out my camera but I was told not to use it. When I said I was a journalist, the policemen threatened me. I entered a nearby alley and saw a similar scene. I was already holding my camera and began taking photos.
“Four policemen approached me. One insulted me. Two others tried to grab my phone and camera from me. A fourth pulled violently at my backpack. They all insulted me although, in the confusion, I don’t remember what they said. I shouted several times that I was a journalist. In response, they snatched my press ID and threw it to the ground. I asked them several times if I was arrested but they did not reply to this. I think they just wanted to teach me a lesson. I finally succeeded in getting away and had the courage to pick up my press ID. I don’t think I will file a complaint. That serves no purpose here.”
Medical personnel reported that a total of 417 arrests were made and 117 people were taken to hospital.
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